It was first mentioned in 1174, when Pope Alexander III, in his bull of the 6th of the Calendes of June 1174, placed the priories of Saint Marie and Saint Martin de Cotignac under the dependence of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustin de Pignan.
Despite the construction in 1266 of the parish church of Saint Pierre on the current site of the Village, the Village cemetery remained located at the chapel until 1582, proof of the villagers' attachment to this place.
During the French Revolution, the priory was sold to various owners and converted into farm buildings. It wasn't until 1840, when the chapel was donated by the Allemand family, that it was returned to religious use. The other parts of the former priory remain in private ownership.
After eight centuries of tumultuous history, the Saint Martin chapel is in need of extensive restoration. What's more, the recently-discovered wall paintings in the north chapel, dating from the 13th or 14th century, give this building an exceptional character by virtue of their artistic quality and their rarity in Provence.