A partir des rejets de châtaignier et après une longue préparation, Anneke Lepra fabrique de magnifiques objets en châtaignier : paniers, sets de table, fauteuils…

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Association ArtCad

Le but de ces ateliers : élargir son imaginaire, développer ses capacités d’écoute et d’expression, renforcer sa confiance en soi, vaincre sa timidité, apprendre à travailler à un but commun… Nous cours reprendront…

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Tea Room Korya

On the spot some cooked products : dessert, buggles, cakes, pan cakes, Fruits & vegetables juices, milkshakes, coffees, tea… You also can order ice cream.

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Grains de Folie

Visit the 13 rue Gabriel Péri to find your little crazy grin for your loved ones, your friends or yourself.

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Pascal Cessou Workshop

It is a universe of artists where the eye wanders, in the absolute poetry of its host. A dream of light and rest, in the torpor of the hottest hours of summer, where…

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CL d’Azur workshop

But also jewels named “Un Jour mon Prince”, “Lyie van Rycke” and many others. You will also discover divers accessories, such as Zoe the fairy’s bag.

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